Monday, December 3, 2012

The Fiscal Cliff

    Well, it looks like high stakes politics are here to stay.  Obama doesn't appear to be willing to compromise on the issues of tax hikes on the wealthy.  So there are two options, either we go off the cliff or we don't.  I don't think that Democrats or the Republicans want to go off the cliff.  The question is who turns first in this game of economic chicken? Coming off the election victory, I don't think Obama will swerve first, that leaves the Republicans to come to the table with a viable alternative, because I don't think they'll cave in to the President's plan.  The Republicans could also be planning to run the country off the cliff Thelma and Louise style in the hopes that Obama is left holding the political and economic bag.  Fortunately I think only Fox news would see it that way.  Moreover, if I remember correctly the Republicans tried the same thing before with governmental shut downs and it didn't work.  They need to get it through their heads that the trickle down economic plan is a myth and America doesn't buy it anymore.  Tax cuts for the wealthy grows off shore bank accounts not jobs.